In a village deep in woodlands of dorset, the lives of the inhabitants,who gain their living from the trees around them, are affected by the lives of outsiders. Giles winterboume loves and is engaged to grace melbury, the daughter of a rich timber merchat. But when giles loses his money, grace’s father insists that his daughter marries a handsome and attractive young doctor,eddred fitz…
Ketika James Redfield menulis The Celestine Prophecy dan The Tenth Insight, dia mengkristalisasi sebuah visi spiritual yang baru bagi jutaan orang di seluruh dunia. Sejak saat itu banyak orang berkumpul untuk membahas pengalaman-pengalaman spiritual yang telah menyentuh kehidupan mereka dan untuk menjelajahi renaisans global yang telah berlangsung beberapa waktu lamanya. Kini, dalam The Cele…
New York Times bestselling author Brian Jacques gives us another tale of Redwall, filled with “The Knights of the Round Table with paws” (The Sunday Times) along with their friends and enemies. Many seasons ago, the evil ferret warlord known as Swartt Sixclaw abandoned his infant son and left him for dead. Raised among the good creatures of Redwall Abbey, the ferret Veil could never e…
Book by Sebranek, Patrick, Meyer, Verne, Kemper, Dave. ... Published February 16th 2000 by Great Source Education Group (first published August 1st 1984) ... I used this writing handbook in high school as was required. ... being geared towards one field, Writers Inc. is a wonderful reference to turn to for any type of writing.